Why Catobuilt is the Best House Builders in Townsville


If you plan to build a new home, hiring a well-trained, experienced, and reliable home builder is essential. Your home is important for you and your family, and you want to make sure you get the right people to build it. When looking for professional builders, you want a company that is licensed, registered, and insured. They should also have years, preferably decades, of industry experience. Look for companies with many satisfied customers to give yourself an idea of what they have accomplished. If you’re looking for the best house builders Townsville, here’s why Catobuilt is the first place you should go.

Catobuilt Employs Master Craftspeople

One of the best things about Catobuilt, house builders Townsville, is that they employ master craftspeople. Their employees are highly skilled in their trade and are driven and committed to producing high-quality homes.

The subcontractors and staff at Catobuilt have also been working side by side for years. This time together has established a culture of excellence and accountability for each trade worker to hone their talents. The company only undertakes a handful of projects each year to ensure that they maintain their high quality and commit to an outstanding working relationship with their clients.

Types of Homes

What do home builders in Townsville offer to their clients? The focus at Catobuilt is custom building, making your house one-of-a-kind. They’ve built contemporary block homes, acreage homesteads, and inner-city character homes. They also offer building design and connect customers with an architect or building designer who’ll meet their budget and design needs.

In 2017, the company won the Master Builders State Award for Best Individual Home $451,000 to

$550,000 for a masonry block and timber Modern Coastal home built on a sloping site.

The team and managing director can build a home that customers envision on time and budget! If you’re looking to extend your home to accommodate a growing family or other personal needs, Catobuilt has transformed houses of every size, style, and condition.

This house builders Townsville service include large-scale extensions and renovations, the contemporary transformation of Queenslander and character homes, house raising and build-ins, and restoration of traditional timber homes.

House builders Townsville work together with clients from the start, keeping clients on the same page as the builders. Communication and cooperation help to keep the build within the agreed-upon budget within a realistic timeframe.

Do you already have plans for your dream house? Catobuilt will take the time to understand the details of your ideas to carry out the construction through to completion. If you’re looking for the best home builders in town, check out Catobuilt.

Lucy Stone